نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دانش آموخته سطح4 رشته تفسیر تطبیقی جامعه الزهرا (س)، قم، ایران

2 استادیار گروه علوم قرآن جامعه الصطفی العالمیه، قم، ایران


کارکردهای مستشرقان در مواجهه با قرآن کریم حکایت از این دارد که آنان در عرصه مقابله با این معجزه ماندگار پیامبر اکرم صلی الله علیه و آله، شبهات فراوانی را طراحی نموده‍اند تا بدین وسیله از ارزش و جایگاه آن در میان ملت‍ها بکاهند؛ و بدین طریق از تأثیرگذاری آن در اقشار مختلف جلوگیری نمایند. شبهه تأثیرپذیری قرآن از اشعار جاهلی؛ از جمله این شبهات محسوب می‍شود. در این نوشتار، تنها شبهه مصدر بودن سروده‍های «امیّة ابن ابی الصّلت» برای قرآن کریم، مورد واکاوی قرار گرفت، و به شبهه آنان در این حوزه خاص، پاسخ داده شد. اطلاعات این پژوهش به شیوه اسنادی گردآوری و با روش توصیفی- تحلیلی پردازش یافت. برایند تحقیق برآمده از مفاد نقدهای هفتگانه مذکور در این نوشته این است: وجود اشکالات فاحش ادبی در اشعار «امیّة ابن ابی الصّلت» و فقد صنایع استوار ادبی بدست آمده از مقارنه قرآن با سروده‍های وی، حاکی از این است که شبهه مذکور، کاملا باطل، بی اساس، و غیر همخوان با واقعیات موجود می‍باشد.



عنوان مقاله [English]

Analyzing and Criticizing the Doubt of the Qur'an's Effectiveness of the Poems of Umayyad bin Abi al-Salt Thaghafi

نویسندگان [English]

  • maryam mozaffari 1
  • syedhosen shafieidarabi 2

1 Fourth-level Graduate of Comparative Interpretation, Professor and Researcher of Jami’at Al Zahra (S), Qom, Iran

2 Director of the Qur'anic Sciences and Tafsir of Jami’at Al Zahra (S), Qom, Iran

چکیده [English]

The facts in the field of "Qur'an studies" are indicative of the fact that the structure and content of the first and most important source of the world religion of Islam and the greatest miracle of the Prophet (PBUH) have long been the focus of orientalists. In the meantime, some of those who have achieved a correct understanding of the verses of this supreme heavenly book and its miraculous nature, believed in the divinity and authenticity of the content of the Qur'an and the heavenly prophethood of Muhammad, peace and blessings of God be upon him, but another group tried to make the pure appearance of the Qur'an in its various forms appear unjustified and cast doubts on it. The word "Isthriq" (which is considered the root of the word "Orientalist") originally means "seeking light"; and in the term, it means "finding out Western scientists about Eastern sciences and customs"; therefore, this word is synonymous with "Oriental studies"; and what is meant by Orientalists in this article is: "Orientalists, scholars and researchers and knowledgeable about the issues of the Orient"; "Orientalists" in this research means a group of non-Muslim Western scholars who research and conduct research in the field of Islam and the Qur'an with different motivations (preaching, colonialism, and science). (Adapted from: Dehkhoda, Ali Akbar, No. Harf Mim, Part II, p. 347; Dr. Hassan Anuri, p. 6965 Oriental words; Dr. Moin's Persian dictionary, one volume, p. 100 Oriental words) Spoken and written works of some of them in the field of the Holy Quran, indicate that many doubts have been raised by them on the holy body of Islam, especially on the Qur'an; among them is the question of "the influence of the Qur'an on Jahili poems".  The word "affect" in the word means effect and mark in something (Safipuri Shirazi, 2018, vol. 1, under the word "affect"). The meaning of "being influenced by works" means that a work has been influenced and shaped by one or more other works.  A number of Orientalists believe that the Qur'an was influenced by Jahili poems. They have focused a lot on the poems of two poets: one is the poems of "Umayyah bin Abi al-Salat" and the other is the poems of "Amr'u al-Qais" (known as "Amir al-Shaara" of the Jahili period). The requirement of this doubt is that the Qur'an is not revealed and sent by God, but it is made and paid by the Messenger of God (PBUH). Of course, this article is the only answer to the question,
Research Question(s)
How to analyze and criticize the doubt of the influence of the Qur'an on the poems of Umayyad Ibn Abi al-Salat?

Literature Review

By searching in books, treatises, theses, and articles, a specific work with the title "Criticism and examination of Orientalists' doubts about the source of the Umayyad poems of Ibn Abi al-Sallat" was not found, but general works in this field were identified:
 1- The book Doubts and Responses, Knowledge, by Mohammad Hadi; This book has been translated into Farsi by a group of translators; and it was published under the title "Criticism of Doubts About the Holy Qur'an" by "Al-Tamhid" Cultural Publishing Institute of Qom in 2015;  on pages 288 to 290 of this book; after raising this question: "Is the Quran influenced by Jahili poetry"?  Attention has been paid to the fact that "Tasdal", in the book "Mosadr al-Islam" ("Sources of Islam"), quoted the words of some critics of the Qur'an. Regarding the effectiveness of this book, he has discussed some of the poems of the Jahilit era. The author of the book "Doubts and Rejections", in the following, answered this in a concise manner (p. 533);
 2- The book "Orientalists and Quran" (1385) written by Mohammad Hassan Zamani. In a part of this book, the views of Orientalists and Western Islamologists about the origin of the Qur'an are discussed in general, and there is no correlation between the verses and the alleged works;
 3- Book: The Hypothesis of Adaptation of the Holy Quran from Non-Divine Sources: Review and Criticism of Orientalists' Doubts, Author: Mohammad Saeed Fayaz, Editor: Ali Sharifi, Qom, Fallah Publications, 2013, first edition;
 4- Book: Orientalists and Islam, author: Qutb, Muhammad, Cairo - Egypt, Wahba School, 1402 AH/ 1999 AD, Bi Cha;
 5- Book: Collection of articles on the Qur'an and Hadith and the Qur'an and the Orientalists; a group of writers; under the supervision of Mohammad Ali Rezaei Esfahani, with the cooperation of Mohammad Javad Eskanderlou, Seyyed Haydar Tabatabai, Qom: Al-Mustafa International Translation and Publishing Center, 2016;


The information of this research was collected in a documentary way and processed with a descriptive-analytical method.


The most important point and the result of the contents of the seven criticisms mentioned in this writing is: the existence of serious literary problems in the poems of "Umayyad Ibn Abi al-Salt" and the lack of strong or reliable literary techniques obtained from comparing the Qur'an with his poems, indicates that the mentioned doubt, is completely invalid, baseless, and inconsistent with the existing facts.


The Qur'an with his poems indicates that the mentioned doubt is completely invalid, baseless, and inconsistent with the existing facts

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Umayyad Ibn Abi al-Salt
  • the Qur'an's Effectiveness of the Umayyad’s poems
  • conflicts in Umayyads’s poems
  • the field of challenge with the Quran
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