Document Type : Research Paper



Revelation literally means sign, inscription, hidden language, etc, or anything suggested to anyone in any ,vay possible and according to lexicographers, hidden transfer is a common feature among all these terms. It seems that speed is not the equivalent meaning fnr revelation. The term revelation and the other words derived from it have been used for more than 70 times in Quran, where all cases involve the meaning of hidden transfer. From the semantic point of view, the term revelation in Quran practically means Divine Forcorclination and Decree of God in the universe (Fussilat/ 12, al-Zilzal/5-6), and innate guidance. Prophetic revelation is the most prominent type of revelation used in Quran. In the verse 51 of Counsel, revelation in its proper meaning is drawn from prophetic relation. The exact definition of revelation requires prophetic experience in deed, so other people are unable to perceive its real meaning. Generally, revelation involves a special relationship between God and the prophets through some ways referred to in Quran verses (angel, direct, explicit and in the spoken or written form, ctc.), Revelation in these terms is beyond the common knowledge of human beings (intuition, reason, and mystic experience), requires inerrancy of prophecy and is unique, so hidden hearing of Imams is not considered to be revelation in idiomatic terms. ,..his concept has also been used in Quran. The comprehensive meaning of revelation is "hidden suggestion". The prophetic revelation in Quran is distinct from its literal meaning in specific terms and in general terms, it is also distinguished from orher usages.
