Document Type : Research Paper



The present article seeks to study intercession in Islam. The results demonstrated that intercession for the sinners and elimination of their punishment are integral to the Qur’an and Islam. The Qur’anic verses and the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his infallible household (AS) all support the above claim. Therefore, the true followers of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) have repeatedly sought his intercession and set a precedent followed by other Muslims. Since the dawn of Islam, Muslim scholars have confirmed that in the Day of Judgment, some people, in particular the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) will save many sinners from the fires of hell. According to the study, the intercession is the result of the fact that God the Merciful wishes to give the sinners a new opportunity to enjoy His infinite mercy. While repentance and recantation bring pardon and forgiveness of sin in the current world, intercession brings pardon in the world to come. Therefore, it is not equal to nepotism, for there must be a relationship between the intercessee and the intercessor. The unbelievers and those having no relation with the intercessor will, thus, be deprived of his intercession. Moreover, the intercessee never considers the intercessor kinder than God the Almighty but a means to receive His pardon.
