Document Type : علمی - ترویجی


M.A. Student in Quranic Sciences and Hadith, the University of Qom, Paradais of Share Ray, IRAN.


Exterminating retribution to the penalty that is said to destroy the rebellious nations when no means of awakening is effective. This study uses an Analytical method to examine exterminating divine retribution in the Qur’an. Findings show that ancient people, according to Qur’an, such as Ad, Thamud, and Lut were struck by this form of retribution for committing crimes and oppression, wasting divine gifts and idolatry, committing sins, denying of divine signs and prophets, misbehaving in trade, blocking the prophets’ attempts at calling people to religion, confronting with Divine religion, and distracting people from faith and embracing prophets. For avoiding this fate, one should adopt piety, practice repentance and apology, and abandon idolatry and inappropriate acts and engage in good deeds and be cognizant of divine gifts and be grateful, therefore. Any person who become afflicted with such sins and such sins become prevalent among them in a way that they do not repent of them, they will be definitely doomed to exterminating retribution. The presence of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), and his constant apology had prevented this punishment in his followers. Allameh believes that exterminating retribution comes to Muslim when they leave forgiveness. In verse 33 of Surah Al-Anfal, there are also signs of the Prophet and his begging for forgiveness which prevented the punishment for Nation of Islam, on the contrary, according to verse 34, they deserve to suffer. He maintains that verses 32 and 33 of the Anfal were not revealed at the same time. And verse 32 and verse 33 refer to the punishment of desperation and the death, respectively.


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