Document Type : علمی - ترویجی


1 faculty member of theology and religious studies

2 student ofTheology and Religious Studies


According to the Abrahamic religions, God has spoken to his prophets, and the prophets have spoken to him. In some sacred books of these religions, the talks of God and prophets have been mentioned. Some of these books are the Quran and the Old Testament. What are the similarities and differences between the words and conversations between God and the prophets in these two books of the Holy Quran and the Old Testament? Exploring the issues of similarities and the differences between them is the result of the effort that we are discussing in this article. Studying the comparative issues between the two holy texts can lead to a better understanding of the two religions and pave the way for dialogue between the religions and the approximation between them. Conversations between God and the prophets (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Lot, and Moses) in these books, in some aspects are similar and in some aspects are different. The conversations between God and these prophets are very different in the Quran and the Old Testament. Each of the conversation will be explored according to the verses of that same book. Even if there is a verse in the Quran or the Old Testament with similar content, it will have a different meaning according to the position of verses in each book. In many verses of the Quran and the Old Testament, where the conversations of God and prophets included, the goals of the Quran and the Old Testament are seen in them. The Quran is a book that claims to be sent to guide all human beings, and this claim can be seen in the conversations of the prophets as well. The Old Testament also describes the history of the sons of Israel and is a book which is dedicated to the sons of Israel and the conversations of the prophets are also about sons of Israel. Therefore, Islam is a religion that claims to be globalized and Judaism is a tribal religion.


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کتاب مقدس.نسخة PDf: