Document Type : علمی - ترویجی


1 Assistant Professor

2 student


Narratives are one of the branches of literary criticism and, in particular, are narrative narratives, and in essence they examine the grammar of narratives. This branch of knowledge is intended to provide a theoretical-practical framework for analyzing different narrative forms. As a major narrative semanticist, Grimas, a French semantic, has tried to present a coherent model for narrative study. Based on what he or she finds in modern semantics, the recognition of the stages of production until the reception of meaning, the profound construction of the narrative in the form of the pattern of action, and the chain and the various propositions are analyzed; in this essay, we tried Based on this pattern, the story of the childhood of Prophet Moses (AS) was studied and based on the following results: 1. The central role of the divine element in the Qur'anic verses and its effect on the progress of the original process. 2. The division of the key figure of this Qur'anic story into the existence of two elements of the struggle and concentration of the actress on God. 3. The Quranic verses in general, and especially this story, are being transmitted The spirit of monotheism is to your audience.


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