
azarbaijan shahid madani university


Amineh Vadud is a new Muslim feminism who tries to have an approach of reinterpretationing the Qur'an based on a hermeneutical method adapted from the "monotheistic hermeneutics" and the "dual movement" theory of "Fazl al-Rahman" Of the important feature of this method is attending to the historical background of text appearance, the language capabilities of the revelation language and considering the reader’s mentality and simultaneous rolling of the text and reader. Vadud tries to run the hermeneutical style of the Fazl al-Rahman as an example of some of the verses of the Quran that relate to the women's field and survey the verses of the Quran with a complete feminine view. Vadud is actually seeking a feminine commentary from the Quran but her commentary does not differ much from Fazl al-Rahman interpretations.Researchers in this article, on the basis of a descriptive-analytical method, critiques and examines the influence of the monotheistic hermeneutics of Fazel al-Ramahan, and in particular his dual movement theory have been based on Amineh Vadud's views in his famous book entitled "The Qur'an and woman". The general achievement of this study , express that Amine Vadud, contrary to her claim, did not have any interpretive and feminine inventions in relation to Fazl al-Arhoman.In fact, she has become more and more in the form of a high-ranking embroidery and, in analyzing and verbalizing the Qur'anic verses,does not have enough precision.


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