Document Type : Research Paper
In the first centuries of Islam - according to books such as "The Murder of the Qur'an" by Abu Ishaq Tha'labi (d. 427 AH) - the Qur'an aroused so much attraction in the audience and affected them so much that it made them drunk, tears. It flowed from their eyes, and in many cases, its impact was so great that the Samanids and the Talians of the Qur'an surrendered to the Creator. This article examines this issue in a descriptive-analytical way and with emphasis on the book Qatliya al-Quran Thalabi - whose anecdotes are directly related to the tremendous influences of the Qur'an - concluding that: "Same" plays a role in this, but both recent elements are based on the main element - the Qur'an. The Qur'an itself has a melodic and melodic structure that, with the transient elements of "sad voice", "voice arising from the purity of the soul" and "melodious voice", influences Saman and Talian from the glorious and beautiful dimension; It has an effect that is not comparable to similar cases, and this effect is more in the aspect of glory and fear and fearlessness, and the effect of beauty, in addition to acting independently, paves the way for the glorious dimension. It also prepares, in a way, this effect in a very powerful sense.