Professor / Allameh Tabataba'i University
Job (Arabic: Ayyub) the prophet and his story is very well-known for all Jews, Christians and Muslims. In Islamic culture, Job is the unmatched symbol for patience and endurance in so much as the expression "patience of Job" in Muslim literature has become a permanent combination. However, instead of the symbol of patience, we surprisingly find him in the Bible as a symbol for Impatience; for he complains God by his weeping and moaning. Even he accused God of injustice. Although both biblical and Qur'anic and Islamic texts indicate that he experienced a lot of suffering and misery, however, in the Islamic culture, his character is outcome of patience and enormous suffering, whereas according to the Bible, his personality is the resultant of suffering and impatience that at last it leads in the knowledge of God and submission to His will. An important issue in the story of Job, is why he should have suffered and that what is the implication of the theological aspect of suffering and how it is consistent with the justice of God.
In this paper, studying the biblical and Qur’anic texts regarding Job, differences and similarities have been studied.
In this paper, studying the biblical and Qur’anic texts regarding Job, differences and similarities have been studied.