Document Type : Research Paper
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2 Quranic Siences of Hadith, faculty of Theology, University of Mazandaran
“Qarib” is one of the ultimate concepts in the system of religious beliefs and this adjective as a mysterious quality in the Quran indicates the proximity of God to man. This divine attribute has been manifested in Him in the form of creation and along with the creation of man, and it has been used in the Quran in the physical, abstract and metaphysical meanings. What is considered in the present article is the study of the quality of this trait and the identification of its components. Verses related to God’s proximity to His servants refer to the general closeness of life, in the form of extending life to man, encirclement, knowledge and awareness of mental and heart dangers and the management of their material and legislative needs. Therefore, God is constantly and continuously hearing, watching, being informed of the condition of the servants, and he is in charge of their needs. This descriptive-analytical article, with the help of collocational and substitute relations, examines the togetherness of the adjective “Qarib” with other divine attributes in order to achieve a clearer understanding of it. The study concluded that although the frequency of this word in the Quran as an attribute of God has been only two times and with attributes such as Mujib and Samii by examination of its collocations and substitutes, as well as analyzing the lexical relationship, the following conclusions can also be reached including the acceptance of the problem of the servants, the speed of acceptance, trickery and knowledge, and the domain derived from collocation, indicating the divinity of God.
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