Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran

2 Allameh Tabataba'i University


Any kind of preparedness and power against enemy's aggression is called defense readiness and power, which are considered as components of the power in religious and non-religious political systems, and are the basis of any progress, development and confrontation.
Therefore, every (system) tries to strengthen, develop and equip their defense organization in every way, because the preservation of their existence, territorial integrity, independence and freedom is ensured in the shadow of this important matter. Also, this is a very important theme emphasized in the verses of The Holy Qur'an.
Therefore, this article uses a descriptive-analytical and interpretive method to study the existential philosophy of readiness and defense power from the Quran's point of view with Allameh Tabatabai's interpretive approach.
The findings of this study are as follows:
Defense readiness and strength are considered as a continuous mechanism and a prerequisite for defense and jihad. And it has an effective role in creating fear in enemy. There is also a direct relationship between it and deterrence. When the level of readiness and defense power increases, the level of deterrence increases too.
Also, with the increase of the levels of readiness and defense power, the armed forces and the defenders of the Islamic system's possibility of being surprised decreases. Finally, comprehensive defense readiness and power is an important factor in maintaining the religion and divine rites and guardianship of the Islamic Ummah, which in Allameh Tabatabai's view, is the most important existential philosophy and the ultimate goal of defense readiness and power.


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