Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies, Islamic Azad University, Tehran South Branch, Tehran, Iran


Divine government is one of the blessings of God that leads to better regulation of human relations, guidance, and ultimately his happiness. The Holy Quran and the Testaments both speak of Suleiman the Magnificent. Given the position of the ontological foundations of the government as the foundation of the government, the question of the present study is: What are the ontological foundations of the government of Solomon in the Qur'an and the Testaments? The importance of the issue is directly related to the ontological foundations of government in the form and structure of government, the governing behavior of the people, and the people with each other. To answer the research question, the foundations of both books have been expressed, compared, and analyzed descriptively. The findings indicate the difference between the foundations of the two books, in the section on the unseen world, some related to the comprehensive and deep presentation of common principles in the Qur'an and some to the unique topics of the Qur'an such as the prophecy of Solomon, wisdom, science, the existence of transcendental agents Is the resurrection And in the world of intuition of Solomon's special conquest, the vast insight of the poverty of material creatures and the movement of the material world towards God in the Hereafter are all different in the two books.


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