Document Type : Research Paper
Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran
“Life satisfaction” is one of the ideals of each person and community to achieve “individual comfort” and “social peace”. Since human being is a social being, mutual satisfaction between people who interact with each other is one of the most important factors for the fulfillment of “life satisfaction”. When speaking of “satisfaction” as a descriptive word for two-sided relations, one side is described as “well-pleased” (Arabic: RAZI) and the other is described as “well-pleasing unto him/her” (Arabic: MARZI). Therefore, three assumptions can be considered for each mutual relation: (1) both sides are well-pleased (razi) with one another, so each side is also described as well-pleasing (marzi) unto the other side; (2) one side is well-pleased and the other side is unpleased. This assumption practically is divided into two sub-assumptions (i.e., in one assumption, A is pleased and B is unpleased, and in the other assumption B is pleased while A is unpleased), so one side is also well-pleasing unto the other and not the vice versa; (3) both sides are unpleased, so none of them is described as well-pleasing unto the other one too. It is obvious that the first assumption is the best one and the third is the worst. We must try to replace the third position with the second one and then the second position with the first one. But the question is how it is possible.
Main Subjects
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