Document Type : Research Paper




In the interpretation view of Ayatollah Khamenei, belief in monotheism is one of the most important foundations for the formation of a state society, among the levels of monotheism is monotheism in divine lordship, divine lordship has various levels, including levels and levels of monotheism in legislation, sovereignty and It is obedience that can be practiced by forming a state community centered on the Imam. The current research, using the descriptive-analytical methodology and scientific organization, with the aim of analyzing the provincial society, investigates and analyzes the main question of the subject of this research: "Relying on the interpretation opinions of Ayatollah Khamenei, how are the foundations and characteristics of the provincial society in the Quran Has it been raised?" will pay. The most important achievement of the subject of this research is that, based on monotheism, only God has the right to fully control human actions and legislation, and he implements this right through the formation of a state society centered on the Imam.That is, in the direction of monotheism in His Lordship, by giving the permission to establish a religious government to the infallible prophets and imams and qualified jurists, as the imams of the community, God exercises his exclusive right to rule and rule. The imams who, with divine permission, are the center of the formation of the state society, which has three important characteristics, maintaining internal dependencies and negating external dependencies and the existence of an imam


Main Subjects

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