Document Type : Research Paper




This research is a comparative study of the views of Qur'anic jurisprudence of Mohaghegh Ardabili and Dr. Sadeghi Tehrani.
In order to understand the rulings of the religion, the jurists must first know the interpretation of the verses because those who are obliged to understand their religious issues get help from the Qur'an and the jurists. On the other hand, the human intellect is limited and does not have the power to understand all the knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary that the jurists, commentators and common people learn the verses of Ahkam each in turn and according to their understanding, so that they do not fall into mistakes in their daily life and religious matters. Therefore, in order to be safe from mistakes, one should try to make the interpretation based on the correct principles and firm rules that are in harmony with the purpose of the Qur'an, which is to guide mankind.
In this study, the opinions of both commentators and their points of commonality and difference were identified. It can be said that there are differences of opinion in about three cases in ghusl and ablution, seven cases in prayer, two cases in fasting and seven cases in Hajj.


Main Subjects

Holy Quran
Nahj al-Balaghah
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