Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shiraz university

2 Assistant Professor of Quran and Jurisprudence Department of Shiraz University


As a text and word of God, the Qur'an has a miraculous effect and is a revelation in terms of "words" and "meaning". On the other hand, God commanded the Prophet (PBUH) to "repent" while reciting the Qur'an. On the other hand, "multiplicity of meaning" is proposed as a semantic theory regarding religious texts and specifically the Qur'an. In an analytical way, based on the content analysis table and library tools, the present article has criticized the theory of "multiplicity of meaning" based on the existential and functional effect of the doctrine of "substitution" before reading the Qur'an. The Qur'an, in various cases, has ordered to "repent". According to the conducted surveys, the highest frequency of the direction of "Mustaazeh Maneh" belongs to "Shaitan". "Protection and negation of Satan's rule", "prevention of slips in recitation and mistakes in interpretation" as well as "psychological and epistemological therapy" are among the major existential and functional works of "Esta'izah". Paying attention only to the appearance of words, phrases and sentences of the text, the sharing of mental ideas and the lack of need to discover and the importance of "author's intention" in understanding the text are among the contents of semantic theories that cause "multiplicity of meaning" in the understanding of texts. With a view to reasons such as; One: "Revelation of "Word" and "Meaning" in the Qur'an", two: "Emphasis on "Istiazeh" before reciting the Qur'an" and three: "Triple functions of Istiazeh recitation", "multiplicity of meaning" in the Qur'an is challenged.


Main Subjects

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