Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Department of Education and Theology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Quran, the eternal miracle of Islam, has various dimensions of expressive miracles. The purpose of the present research is to design and describe the concept of happiness in the Holy Qur'an and hadiths and pay attention to the role of combinations in practical issues. Happiness in the Qur'an and hadiths is divided into two parts: praised and condemned. Praised happiness is happiness combined with divine and human goals, in which man becomes spiritually light and gets satisfaction from the conditions in which he is placed; Now the question is, what are the meanings, dimensions, and characteristics of the words referring to happiness in the Qur'an in terms of concept; The present study deals with the analytical-descriptive investigation of the causal similitudes of Shadi Mamdouh and its conceptualization in verses and traditions. Therefore, in the present article, in the theoretical field, there is a review of the linguistic opinions of Firth, Palmer, in the field of applied linguistics, and in the following, he deals with the conceptual analysis and description of this linguistic phenomenon in the words indicating the concept of happiness. The results show that certainty and satisfaction, a reliable point of reference, cheerfulness and affection and avoiding unstable happiness are among the causal co-occurrences related to happiness. Seventeen words corresponding to the concept of happiness are used in the Qur'an and hadiths, some of which are part of common words that mean both the concept of praiseworthy and reprehensible happiness.


Main Subjects

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