Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran Submit

2 Ph.D. student of Quran and Hadith University, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran,


The story of Adam has been and is the place of the contradiction of the religion. In the meantime, examining how the commentators are exposed to the text and explaining the logic of their understanding is an important place in understanding how to think in the course of interpretation. Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's trilogy study of the knowledge of "world, human and knowledge" under the verses of 34-34 can lead us to this important.
The triple concentration of the logic of understanding in this story is on anthropology and the determination of the coordinates of the perfect human being in his relationship with God as the caliph and with the angels in the rank of the disciples of the caliph. From this point of view, the name of science, which is the source of the caliphate, has been inflated in all human beings, and the will is the cause of human flourishing in its dignity or hidden and the fall of animal and evil. This scene, in the viewpoint of cosmology, is transcendent and apart from the possibility of error, and the opposite is the material world as the position of the elemental body of man and the origin of his evolutionary movement. In the epistemological dimension, the interpreter believes in the knowledge of the basis of the gender of knowledge in the longitudinal worlds, in which the world of declarations in the intellect and the legal existence of human beings fall into the existence of the existence of self -sufficiency.


Main Subjects

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