Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Arabic language and literature at Allameh Tabatabai University

2 Doctoral student of Arabic language and literature, Faculty of Literature and Foreign Languages, Allameh Tabatabai University.


One of the key aspects of structural semantics is the consideration of the issue of signification that paying attention to the types of denotative, implicative, and entailment significations is a strategy for discovering the meanings of words. The present study aims to translate the word "Ummī" based on its denotative significations and to present the meanings and interpretations of translators and commentators that are often based on entailment signification. It also seeks to refute their theories based on other verses and provide a new meaning. Accordingly, it begins by stating the primary meaning of the root "Umm," and based on that, it interprets all the roots of this word in terms of denotative signification. It then views the meaning of "Ummī" as illiteracy or other interpretations as entailment signification, which reflect a certain influence of the translators’ prior theological backgrounds, thereby hindering their ability to convey the original meaning of the word effectively. However, based on the denotative signification of the word "Ummī," meaning "Original," this meaning is evident in all its derivatives and aligns more closely with the root of the word. Also, based on the text and context, it is more consistent with sentences and phrases than other meanings.


Main Subjects

Holy Quran
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