Document Type : علمی - ترویجی


1 Associate Professor of Quran and Hadith Sciences of Yazd University, Yazd, IRAN

2 M.A of the Quranic Science at the Quranic Science and Education University, Meybod, Yazd, IRAN


Zurghani is one of the eminent writers in compiling the quranic sciences and history, and since the issue of organizing the Quranic verses has a special importance among the topics on the history of the Quran, the present research has tried to evaluate and criticize his views on this subject using an analytical-critical method to recognize the true reality. Zurghani’s claim about being apprehending or striving of organizing of the Quran chapters (Surah) in the book “Manahilul Erfanfi Olumul Quran” is a separation method. He does not have the same claim in organizing all of Quran chapters, and considers some of them apprehending and some striving. His reasons for this claim are: (a) accepting this theory from some great scholars, (b) some traditions that speak about being apprehending some chapters clearly and are silent about some other chapters, (c) some traditions which speak about being striving parts of the Quranic chapters. However, his reasons would be wrong because of these rules respectively: (a) negating characterism and the necessity for proving this claim. (b) Proving something does not put down others, (c) possibility falsifies proofs, (d) when two rules conflict, their validity downfall. Accordingly, if this claim is true- and we know it is not and the competitors are strong- no strong implication support it too.


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