Document Type : علمی - ترویجی


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Islamic Azad University, Naragh Branch, Naragh, IRAN

2 Ph.D. Student of Al-Mustafa International University (Higher Education Institution of Humanities, Social Studies Department), Qom, IRAN;


Socialization is one of the topics of social science and an important subject in sociology. Socialization in contemporary sociology analyzes culture from society. Socialization in the Islamic social system is in accordance with the Islamic culture; therefore, it is necessary to address socialization in the social system from the point of view of Islamic sources. Socialization in the social system of the Quran, as the most important source, has been researched. Therefore, the main question is: What is socialization in the social system of the Quran? In order to clarify this issue, it has been explained that the bases of the social system of the Quran are religious beliefs, values and norms. This cultural structure is actualized through socialization. The method of this qualitative research has been descriptive-analytical using descriptive interpretations, and with the conceptual and theoretical approach, the concepts of the social system and socialization and its goals have been identified, and the elements of the community including method, content and factors were studied. In these elements, cases of teaching, imitation, and influence of the reference and content group were explained. Parts of the cognitive culture including beliefs, values and norms, and socialization factors such as family, education, peers and the mass media were also explained. And the cases of the Quranic verses were in harmony with the issues raised. The study concluded that socialization in the social system of the Quran is based on the divine system of monotheism; hence, all social doctrine is not acceptable, but the process of socialization is in harmony with the Quranic culture in terms of beliefs, values and norms.


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