Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of yazd university

2 yazd university

3 no


Exegesis fundamentals is consider as one of exegetics topics and one of the basic topics in exegesis fundamentals is the way of arranging and organization. The comprehensive and ideal of exegesis fundamentals is done based on Devine sciences and humane sciences. Humane sciences are shaped based on two ways of reception and three ways of reaching. That in short consists of, 1. Quotation basis, 2. Reason basis. Quotation basis consists of Quran and Sunnah and reason basis consists of reasoning, taste scientific-experimental and historical-social approaches. Principles–jurisprudence, theological and philosophical are considered under the reasoning approach and mystic and literary under the tasting approach. This study evaluates opinions of Amid Zanjani, Ack, Roumi, Babaei, and Rezaei esfahani via the analytical-critical method .This research by investigating the performance of five intellectuals concluded that the presented classifications have some mistakes and defects. These defects are as blew insufficiency in the number of exegesis fundamentals, inattention toward the correct arrangement, incorporating the interpretation evaluation and hermeneutics into the organization integrating semantic domains of various issues into the organization, putting subordinate branches in the types principal position, intermixture of the different types of exegesis fundamentals.


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