Document Type : Research Paper
1 Associate Professor, Quran and Hadith Sciences Department, College of Farabi, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2 Graduated from Qom Seminary, Qom, Iran
There are various combinations in the Holy Quran, some of which have been the source of discrepancy of opinions among exegetes. One of those combinations is the combination (of the letter Wāw, Lām e Ta'leel and Verb in Simple Present) which is used in 15 cases in the holy Qur'an. The author tends to discuss this combination in a verse and express the discrepancy of opinions regarding it and judge it. One of the verses in which this combination is mentioned is the verse 75 of Surah al An'am (Wa kaḏalika norīya Ebrāhima malakūta al samāwāt wa al ʾarḍ wa leyakūna min al mūqnin). Referring to the commentary and literary books, it can be seen that exegetes and writers have had different ideas regarding the literal analysis of this paragraph (wa leyakūna min al mūqnin). Some exegetes believe that the letter Wāw is ʿaṭefah, some say that it is Estinafiyah, some think that it is Eʿteraḍiyah, and some others think that it is an Ziadaẗ. But the most important issue that needs to be stated here is the lack of attention to the effective rhetorical points in the interpretation of the holy Qur'an by the exegetes, the result of which is the existence of discrepancy of opinions in the literal analysis, followed by disagreements in the interpretation of the verses of the Qur'an. To avoid such discrepancy of opinions, it seems that the base of the disagreement should be sought first. According to the author's studies, exegetes and Quranic researchers view the verses of the Holy Quran mainly from a literary point of view. The result of this view is the discrepancy of opinions in the literal analysis and interpretation of the verses. If the exegetes believe in the eloquence of the verses of the Holy Qur'an, then they should take a deep look at the rhetorical rules effective in the interpretation of each verse, in addition to paying attention to the literary rules. The most serious weakness of the mere literary view is not reaching the intended purpose (murād-e-esteʿmāli) of the verses, which is a great weakness. What the author provides to achieve the correct literary combination of (the letter Wāw) in the mentioned combination and then the correct interpretation of the mentioned verse is to pay attention to the rhetorical rules in addition to the literary rules. One of the rhetorical rules that should be found in the speech of every eloquent person is the rule of the situation of context of addressees. This rule has a great help in reaching the correct combination of (the letter Wāw) in the mentioned verse. An eloquent person in speaking with his addressees must first be aware of their mindset about the subject he wants to speak about. If they are refusing the speaker’s word or opinion, it is necessary for the speaker to emphasize his words, either the words themselves or the meaning. Regarding literal analysis and interpreting the verses of the holy Qur'an, such a step should be taken. First, one should discover the subject that the verse is talking about and find, with respect to the verses with the same subject, the Arab mindset of the era of descending the holy Quran about the intended subject. Then it can be claimed that we have achieved the intended purpose (murād-e-esteʿmāli) of the mentioned verse. The subject of the mentioned verse is Abraham's belief and faith. Almighty God has expressed this news in the form of a combination (of the letter Wāw, Lām e Ta'leel, and Verb in Simple Present). In order to achieve the correct literal analysis, in addition to considering the literary rules, we consider verses which talk about Abraham's faith. There are 5 verses in the Holy Qur'an that clearly talk about Abraham's faith and eliminate the idea of his polytheism. Referring to the verses of Al-Baqarah: 35, Al-ʿemrān: 67 and 95, al An'am: 161, al Naḥl: 123, an interesting point is found in which God Almighty applies a structure repeatedly to eliminate the idea of polytheism of Abraham and proving faith. That structure is (Wa mā kāna min al mušrikin). Through this emphasis, it can be concluded that the people at the time of the descending the holy Quran believed in the polytheism of Abraham, and the verse which we discuss should not be without emphasis according to the rule of the situation of the context of addressees, because the addressees of revelation are disbelievers of Abraham’s faith. With this method, all the opinions about (the letter Wāw) in the structure (of the letter Wāw, Lām e Ta'leel, and Verb in Simple Present) in the mentioned literal analysis are rejected, and only the word about being Wāw as Ziadaẗ remains.
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