Volume 15 (2024)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2011)
Volume 1 (2010)
Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Contrasting the Discursive Worldview of Prophet Noah (PBUH) and His People in Surah Hud according to Van Dyck's Critical Discourse Analysis

Raja Abuali; Ahmad Arefi

Volume 14, Issue 55 , January 2024, Pages 1-38


  Abstract Detailed abstract Critical discourse analysis seeks to discover the speaker's worldview by examining the manner of discourse with extratextual conditions. Van Dijk considers language to be the carrier of the speaker's ideology and to be loaded with power. In the critical discourse, he emphasizes ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Examining the Opinions of Commentators about the Knowledge of the Prophet (PBUH) based on Verse 113 of Surah Nisa

aliahmad naseh; khadijeh Amiri

Volume 14, Issue 55 , January 2024, Pages 39-66


  Abstract Commentators in the true understanding of the statement» and He has taught you what you did not know« in verse 113 of Surah Nisa have different opinions. Paying attention to the knowledge of the Prophet (PBUH) as an important issue has the same age as revelation, and it has always ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
The characteristics and approaches of Qasasun in the field of Qur'an interpretation in the early Islamic centuries

aliasghar asgharivalogaee; seyedhosein hoseinikarnami

Volume 14, Issue 55 , January 2024, Pages 67-96


  AbstractOne of the most effective verbal tools and styles in conveying the concepts and experiences of the nation, which has an ancient history, is storytelling. Stories and storytelling are not specific to a specific culture and land and have existed in every nation and society for a long time. Contrary ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Criterion of stability and change in sins and Shariah crimes

yaser takfallah; seyed mohammad hassan Momeni; SeyedMohammadAli Amiri

Volume 14, Issue 55 , January 2024, Pages 7-122


  rom the point of view of the Holy Qur'an, a crime is doing an act or speech that God has forbidden and there is a prescribed punishment for it, or it is the abandonment of an act or speech that is considered obligatory and its abandonment is considered to be punishable.To be guarded that all examples ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Analysis of Exegetes’ Ideas on the Letter Wāw in the Verse “Wa Leyakūna Min al MuʾQenīn” (Verse 75, Surah al Anʿām )

hamed dejabad; mohammad ali bazghandi

Volume 14, Issue 55 , January 2024, Pages 123-150


  There are various combinations in the Holy Quran, some of which have been the source of discrepancy of opinions among exegetes. One of those combinations is the combination (of the letter Wāw, Lām e Ta'leel and Verb in Simple Present) which is used in 15 cases in the holy Qur'an. The author tends to ...  Read More

Research Paper
How the Meaning is Formed in Surah Nazeat from the Perspective of Structuralist Theory

Zahra Jalili

Volume 14, Issue 55 , January 2024, Pages 151-179


  Criticizing texts based on structuralist theory is something that has recently become popular in scientific circles, and according to it, from the smallest audio and musical signs to the biggest, which are words and how they are put together, is effective in meaning. On this basis, there is a significant ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Analyzing the Quranic and Hadith (narrative) Foundations of Belief in the Effect of the Verse "En Yakad" to Prevent the Evil Eye

esmail esbati

Volume 14, Issue 55 , January 2024, Pages 181-213


  IntroductionVerses 51 and 52 of Surah Qalam are famous and common among people. These verses are known as "En Yakad" verses. He says in these verses: And the Unbelievers would almost trip thee up with their eyes when they hear the message; and they say: "Surely he is possessed!" But it is nothing less ...  Read More