Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Quranic Sciences, University of Quranic Sciences and Knowledge, Tehran, Iran


The semantics of the words of the Holy Quran is a new approach to discover the inner layers of God's words. The word "forgetfulness" is among the concepts that are mentioned in thirty-six verses along with its derivatives. The upcoming essay, Baroosh's semantics and analytical-descriptive approach seeks to examine this word carefully from a semantic point of view. By considering the implied meanings and emotional load of this word, it can be said that three meanings can be considered in the total Quranic frequency of forgetfulness, which are: the meaning of "unwanted forgetfulness" in six verses without afterlife punishment, the meaning of "forgetfulness with the association of neglect" In eleven verses with a negative charge, and the meaning of "leaving" in nineteen verses with the afterlife punishment. The relative of "forgetting" in the relevant verses can be an objective indicator in determining the type of usage of "forgetting", as if the relative of "forgetting" is a sensual and material thing, then "forgetting" is in the category of unwanted forgetting; If its relatedness goes back to man and his actions, it is placed in the group of forgetting with the association of neglect, and if its relatedness is a spiritual matter such as the Day of Resurrection, Allah, and the like, it will mean abandonment.


Main Subjects

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