Volume 14 (2023)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2011)
Volume 1 (2010)
Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
The nature and effects of the requirement of justice in polygamy (the third verse of Surah Nisa)

faraj allah Hedayatnia Ganji Hedayatnia Ganji

Volume 15, Issue 59 , January 2025, Pages 1-25


  According to the third verse of Surah Nisa, a man can have more than one wife; Provided that he can observe justice between spouses. Some Shiite and Sunni commentators and jurists consider the mentioned condition as guidance. According to them, the requirement of polygamy for justice shows the consequences ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Expansion of metaphysical sciences into the world of human life with the focus of the verse “Alast”

ALI Karimiyan Seyqalani

Volume 15, Issue 59 , January 2025, Pages 27-52


  The verse "Al-Sat" is one of the verses that has expressed valuable information not only in the field of ontology and anthropology, but also in the field of epistemology. The verse "Al-Sat" is one of the verses that not only reveals the depth of human knowledge in the worlds before the realization of ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Scholarly Approaches to Analyzing Problematic Hadiths on “Joining Offspring to Their Fathers” in the Exegesis of Verse 21, Surah At-Tur

Pouran Mirzaei; Parisa Adineh Satri; Sedigheh Maleklou

Volume 15, Issue 59 , January 2025, Pages 53-82


  According to the concept of *ilhāq* (joining) in the Qur'an and hadith literature, believing offspring are joined with their believing parents in the Hereafter, even if they have not reached the same level of piety or reward. Similarly, the children of disbelievers are joined with their parents. This ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Muhammad Rateb Nabulsi's commentary on verse 37 of Surah Ar-Rahman in the evaluation section

mohamad shabanpur; muhammad hussayn naqizadeh

Volume 15, Issue 59 , January 2025, Pages 83-110


  Muhammad Rateb Nabulsi, a contemporary Syrian Arabic-speaking Quran scholar, is a follower of the school of scientific interpretation and has written a two-volume collection on the interpretation of some verses of the Quran with contemporary scientific data. One of the verses that Nabulsi has interpreted ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
The triple meanings of "forgetting" in the Quran based on the implicit meaning and emotional load in companions and successors

zohreh akhavanmoghadam

Volume 15, Issue 59 , January 2025, Pages 111-142


  The semantics of the words of the Holy Quran is a new approach to discover the inner layers of God's words. The word "forgetfulness" is among the concepts that are mentioned in thirty-six verses along with its derivatives. The upcoming essay, Baroosh's semantics and analytical-descriptive approach seeks ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Semiotic analysis of the Qur'anic narration of the dream of slaughtering the son of Abraham (PBUH)

Farhad Zeinali Behzadan

Volume 15, Issue 59 , January 2025, Pages 143-168


  According to some researchers, the Quranic narration of the dream of the slaughter of Abraham's son and its Torah Ohypotext are proof of the possibility of God issuing orders that are contrary to morality. The command to sacrifice is explicitly stated in the Torah narration, but there is no such explicit ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
The semantics of the word "wezr" in the Qur'an with an emphasis on the syndagmatic and paradigmatic relations

Fahime Dehghan niri; Ali Sharifi; Mohammad Asion

Volume 15, Issue 59 , January 2025, Pages 169-198


  The Qur'an holds man responsible for all his actions and behavior, and the result of man's actions will be directed at him in the resurrection. One of the key words of the Qur'an is the word "wezr" whose meaning is not understood correctly. This word is used in fourteen verses of the Qur'an in different ...  Read More