Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Jurisprudence and Law, Research Institute for Culture and Islamic Thought, Tehran, Iran.


According to the third verse of Surah Nisa, a man can have more than one wife; Provided that he can observe justice between spouses. Some Shiite and Sunni commentators and jurists consider the mentioned condition as guidance. According to them, the requirement of polygamy for justice shows the consequences of polygamy and the problems caused by it. According to this opinion, a man who, despite the fear of oppression, acts on the authority of another wife, has not committed a sin and his marriage is valid. In contrast to the mentioned theory, some commentators and jurists consider the appearance of the verse to be an expression of the suspension of the Shariah permission of polygamy under the condition of justice, and consider it to be Maulvi. The result of this theory is the religious sanctity of remarriage and the afterlife punishment. Some have considered the invalidity of the second marriage as probable. The present article evaluated the evidence of the mentioned theories in a descriptive and analytical way and came to the conclusion that considering the condition of justice as a guideline is contrary to the appearance of the verse.


Main Subjects

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