Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Quran and Hadith, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor, of Quran and hadith, Allamah Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

3 Lecturer and researcher


The Qur'an holds man responsible for all his actions and behavior, and the result of man's actions will be directed at him in the resurrection. One of the key words of the Qur'an is the word "wezr" whose meaning is not understood correctly. This word is used in fourteen verses of the Qur'an in different forms, and the aya: "ولاتزر وازره وزر اخری" is repeated in five verses similarly. The common meaning of all these formulas is the heaviness of the burden, which manifests materially in "burden" and spiritually in "sin". The present research, while analyzing the word from the linguistic point of view and using the semantic method by extracting the syndagmatic paradigmatic realtions of wezr, has explained the semantic fields and semantic relations of the word "wezr". Based on the findings of the article, it was found that the words associated with the wezr were; Haml, Ezlal, kofr, mafar,marja,Harb and Earaz and have a close semantic connection with wezr. In addition, the words 'Earaz', 'Kasb', 'Segl', 'Asar', 'masoliat' and 'jaza' are substitute words for 'Wezr', which are closer to the semantic core of 'Wezr'


Main Subjects

Holy Qurān
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