Volume 15 (2024)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2021)
Volume 11 (2020)
Volume 10 (2019)
Volume 9 (2018)
Volume 8 (2018)
Volume 7 (2016)
Volume 6 (2016)
Volume 5 (2015)
Volume 4 (2013)
Volume 3 (2012)
Volume 2 (2011)
Volume 1 (2010)
Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Criteria for the Mystical Nature of Quranic Propositions

Hosein Hashemnezhad

Volume 14, Issue 53 , July 2023, Pages 1-39


  A proposition or logical proposition is the smallest unit of knowledge defined as “justified true belief”. Some Qur'anic verses are a single proposition and some contain several propositions. Quranic propositions are sometimes religious laws. Sometimes they are moral and sometimes they are ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
A Research on the Epistemic Layers of the Quran, the Levels of Understanding of the Audience and the Extent of Benefiting from the Quranic Guidance based on the Verses and Narrations

mahdi najibi

Volume 14, Issue 53 , July 2023, Pages 41-72


  The upcoming research has been written by adopting the combined narrative-argumentative research method as well as descriptive-analytical data processing and library-software collection of written materials. The author while referring to the layers of ontology and epistemology of the Quran, explains ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
A reflection on the concept of Ahl in the Qur'an with an emphasis on verse 6 of Surah Mubaraka Tahirim

Seyyed Ali Hosseini Zadeh; Seyyed Mahmoud Tayeb Hosseini

Volume 14, Issue 53 , July 2023, Pages 73-100


  AbstractThe most basic word in the Holy Qur'an refers to the concept of family. The present article aims to discover its basic meaning and conceptual scope by analyzing and describing the lexical and Quranic uses of the word "Ahl" and based on that, reinterpret "Ahl" in verse 6 of Surah Tahirim. The ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Investigating the Law of Ibtela from the Perspective of the Qur'an with a Cognitive Approach

Qasem Tarkhan; Aliasghar Hadavinia

Volume 14, Issue 53 , July 2023, Pages 101-128


  One of the most important Laws influencing the development of societies is the Law of Ibtela. Using the library method in gathering information and the analytical descriptive method in deriving the view, this article tries to analyze this divine Law with a cognitive approach from the perspective of the ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
Psychological Pathology of Gossip and its Solutions in the Holy Quran

Seyyed Mohammad Hosein Mousavipour

Volume 14, Issue 53 , July 2023, Pages 129-168


  Communication between people is undeniable and accepted by everyone. But the form of communication is different. One form of it is verbal communication, and the rumor phenomenon is a part of human verbal communication in society. Negative rumors have consequences and damages that threaten and destroy ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
"Explanation and Citicism of the Interpretation of Women's Readings of the Qur'an on "Justice as a Theological Basis for Interpretation"

Mohsen badreh; kosar mirzaei

Volume 14, Issue 53 , July 2023, Pages 169-200


  Adl, as one of the theological foundations of reading the relationship between the two sexes from the perspective of the Holy Quran, has found a special place among Muslim women thinkers. In such a way that one of the main foundations of modern feminist readings of the Holy Qur'an is reliance on justice ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
A Comparative Analysis of the Interpretations of the Shia and Sunni Regarding Mahramiyat by Breastfeeding based on Verse 23 of Surah Nisa

ali farsimadan

Volume 14, Issue 53 , July 2023, Pages 201-235


  one of the ways to become Mahram is breastfeeding (Shir-Dadan). The present study aims to answer this main question with a descriptive and analytical method: Does the noble verse imply the amount of breastfeeding in proving the Mahramiyat in the Shia and Sunni interpretations? The author has tried to ...  Read More

Research Paper Quran and Quranic teachings
An Analysis of the Verses Regarding the Doubters and the Doubts in the Quran

parvin shenasvand; mohsen qasempour

Volume 14, Issue 53 , July 2023, Pages 237-266


  Religious truths are always favored and accepted provided they have a firm logic and solid reasoning bases. This is why the Holy Qur'an, as the last divine revelation, has presented questions and doubts - directly or indirectly - of the questioners and doubters and reported the logical methods of dealing ...  Read More