نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی
Associate Professor of Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Faculty of Theology, Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran
Recognition the relationship of the verses inside a surah and structural research of that surah are new approaches that although there were detailed in earlier commentaries, but has been considered so seriously by more recent Qur’ān scholars. According to the science of surah recognition, every surah has a purpose and its own specific main subject, so that the all verses of surah circulate around it thereby the meaningful relationship between its verses are recognised. In this study, according to the method of surah recognition, the conceptive structure of the two Surahs Nās and ʿAṣr and the links and reciprocal interaction between the two surahs Nās and Falaq as a case study are reviewed.
Therefore, this research revolves around two axes: Methodology of structural research in the Qur’ān; including topics like: Stages and principles of structural research, thematic units (Rukūʿāt) and gradual revelation of the Qur’ān, linkage and connection between the surahs, thematic axis or basic subject of surahs, difference between structural research and interpretation, and at the end of this paper, the meaning and structural cognition of the two Surahs Nās and ʿAṣr are discussed.
Based on this research, the exact semantic connection between Surah Nās and Falaq was extracted, and then Surah ʿAṣr was conceptualized using the method of pondering (tadabbur); and as a result, it was concluded that Surah ʿAṣr, despite its small volume, is the most comprehensive and complete Surah of the Qur’an, which contains heavenly and life-giving Quranic teachings
عنوان مقاله [English]
Methodology of Structural Research in the Qur’ān; Case Study: Surah Nās, Surah Falaq and Surah ʿAṣr
نویسنده [English]
- Mohammad Reza Aram
Associate Professor of Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, Faculty of Theology, Law and Political Science, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.
چکیده [English]
Recognition the relationship of the verses inside a surah and structural research of that surah are new approaches that although there were detailed in earlier commentaries, but has been considered so seriously by more recent Qur’ān scholars. According to the science of surah recognition, every surah has a purpose and its own specific main subject, so that the all verses of surah circulate around it thereby the meaningful relationship between its verses are recognised. In this study, according to the method of surah recognition, the conceptive structure of the two Surahs Nās and ʿAṣr and the links and reciprocal interaction between the two surahs Nās and Falaq as a case study are reviewed.
Therefore, this research revolves around two axes: Methodology of structural research in the Qur’ān; including topics like: Stages and principles of structural research, thematic units (Rukūʿāt) and gradual revelation of the Qur’ān, linkage and connection between the surahs, thematic axis or basic subject of surahs, difference between structural research and interpretation, and at the end of this paper, the meaning and structural cognition of the two Surahs Nās and ʿAṣr are discussed.
Based on this research, the exact semantic connection between Surah Nās and Falaq was extracted, and then Surah ʿAṣr was conceptualized using the method of pondering (tadabbur); and as a result, it was concluded that Surah ʿAṣr, despite its small volume, is the most comprehensive and complete Surah of the Qur’an, which contains heavenly and life-giving Quranic teachings.
کلیدواژهها [English]
- "Pondering"
- "Structural Research"
- "Surah Nās"
- "Surah Falaq"
- "Surah ʿAṣr"
Qur’an Publishing Centre of I. R. Iran, Tehran, 2023.
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