نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Thought, University of Gilan, Gilan, Iran.


The verse "Alastu" is among the verses of the Quran that has brought valuable horizons to scholars in the fields of ontology, anthropology, and even epistemology. In this regard, it not only unveils the depth of human sciences in the realms prior to the realization of individual souls, but also, with the aid of interpretive narrations, proves multiple levels of the effusion of sciences beyond the material world for humanity. The present fundamental study, by content analysis method, aims to discover and analyze the quantity and quality of unseen (Ghaybī) sciences before and after birth for humankind. The findings of this article indicate that, based on intra-religious evidence, unseen (Ghaybī) sciences are generally effused four times for humankind: "Before birth and in the realm of Alastu", "During earthly life", "In sleep", and "After death". Essentially, apart from the first instance, in the other three instances, there are differences depending on the existential capacity of each human being, in terms of being acquired or non-acquired, as well as in terms of being sudden or gradual. Another finding is that the ranking of human beings depends on the second effusion, that is, after birth and throughout earthly life, and is dependent on the path of perfection-seeking and voluntary sciences in the course of earthly life. Furthermore, some effusions, according to divine expediency, are accompanied by unawareness and become unconscious, such as the first and third presentations. Also, the fourth presentation is a matter of degree and depends on the cognitive development of each person in earthly life



عنوان مقاله [English]

Expansion of metaphysical sciences into the world of human life with the focus of the verse “Alast”

نویسنده [English]

  • ALI Karimiyan Seyqalani

Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Thought, University of Gilan, Gilan, Iran.

چکیده [English]

The verse "Al-Sat" is one of the verses that has expressed valuable information not only in the field of ontology and anthropology, but also in the field of epistemology. The verse "Al-Sat" is one of the verses that not only reveals the depth of human knowledge in the worlds before the realization of souls, but also, based on the interpretations available, it seems that it will be possible for mankind to be given knowledge beyond the material world three more times. The aim of this article is to discover and analyze the quantity and quality of the occult knowledge before and after birth for mankind. The findings of this article indicate that in general, in the stages of human descent and fall, occult sciences are given to the human species four times, and basically, apart from the first time, in other times, depending on the existential level of each human being, they differ in terms of being acquired or unacquired and also in terms of being repelled or gradual, and the ranking of the status of each human being depends on the second level, that is, after birth and during worldly life and depends on the course of perfection and choice during the passage of worldly life. Also, according to divine wisdom, the depth of the unacquired knowledge of the individual souls before birth, which extends to the realm of theology, is neglected at the same time as each human being is born, and the sciences become unconscious.

کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Pishini sciences
  • surfaces of sciences
  • Ifadat ‘Ulums
  • worlds of Hasti
  • Ayat Alast
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